Locus: F6L98:027 Supervisor: D. Herr
Locus type: Earth
Designation: Fill in Pit 28
Start date: 20 Jul, 1987
End date: 22 Jul, 1987
Reason: Pit line found in balk
Top separation: Unclear / Bottom separation: Clear

Function: Pit fill of unknown function; not enough pottery & bones for garbage
Stratigraphy remarks: Fill in Pit 28; pit cuts Surf 11 so must be at least that young
Locus Date: Byzantine

Draw Balks: N


Verbal: Pale brown
Number: 10YR 6/3

Loam-Silt loam
Particle Shape:
A: 0
As: 50
Sr: 50
R: 0

Hardness: Very Loose
Compactness: moderately. Loose
Wetness: somewhat. Dry
Structure: Random

Length: 1.0
Width: 0.15
Lower Depth: 0.61
Upper Depth: 0.0
Direction: 0
Slope: 0

Pebbles: 400.0
Cobbles: 6.0
Stone Distribution: Random

Artifact Inclusions:
Artifact Distribution: Random

Remarks: Quite clear in balk, but was not clear as the first 25 cm were dug


location top level bottom level
7 908.40 907.79
location grid
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36


type description related locus
Under Surface F6L98:007
Seals against Pit F6L98:028

Photos - Slideshow

There are no photos for this locus

Pottery Readings

date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
22 Jul, 1987 103 4 0 14 119
diagnostic date form
Late Iron 2 1 Bowl
Iron 2 2 Bowls, 1 Krater


There are no objects for this locus