Locus: F6L98:007 Supervisor: D. Herr
Locus type: Earth
Designation: Consolidated debris layer or exposure surface
Start date: 03 Jul, 1987
End date: 07 Jul, 1987
Reason: More consolidated than Surf 5 which is above it
Top separation: Unclear / Bottom separation: Unclear

Function: Irregular exposure surface N of Wall 4; prob garden soil for farming in the farmstead we are postulating in use with Walls 4 & 6
Stratigraphy remarks: Fill between Walls 4 & 6, later than the walls since it seals against both
Locus Date: Byzantine

Draw Balks: NW


Verbal: Pale brown
Number: 10YR 6/3

Loam-Silt loam
Particle Shape:
A: 0
As: 0
Sr: 100
R: 0

Hardness: Loose
Compactness: somewhat. Friable
Wetness: somewhat. Dry
Structure: Random

Length: 4.5
Width: 2.0
Lower Depth: 0.05
Upper Depth: 0.52
Direction: 96
Slope: 16

Surface Material:
Beaten Earth
Greates number observable: 0

Pebbles: 540.0
Cobbles: 3.0
Boulders: 1.0
Stone Distribution: Random

Artifact Inclusions:
Flint: 16.0
Artifact Distribution: Random

Remarks: Very uneven exposure surface greatly deformed by rock fall; hardness varies from 2-3; pottery concentration is especially high in Loca 8, 14 (mendable fragments?)


location top level bottom level
10 907.88 907.83
13 908.58 908.06
location grid
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36


type description related locus
Under Surface F6L98:005
Over Surface F6L98:011
Over Pit F6L98:027
Seals against Wall F6L98:004
Seals against Wall F6L98:006

Photos - Slideshow

Https%3a%2f%2fplacehold 87B070704
07 Jul, 1987

Pottery Readings

date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
06 Jul, 1987 25 22 0 28 264
diagnostic date form
Late Iron 2 2 Jars, 1 Jug, 8 Bowls, 1 Cookpot
date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
07 Jul, 1987 26 19 0 22 150
date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
07 Jul, 1987 27 22 0 26 258
diagnostic date form
Late Iron 2 2 Jugs, 3 Kraters, 7 Bowls
date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
07 Jul, 1987 28 23 0 20 210
diagnostic date form
Late Iron 2 4 Jars, 1 Jug, 4 Kraters, 11 Bowls, 1 Plate, 2 Cookpots
Iron 2 1 Jug, 1 Krater, 4 Bowls
Middle Bronze 1 Jar


registration description quantity certainty comments
B870945 Bowl 1

Object Information

Shape: Nearly Circular
Material: Basalt

Object Dimensions

Diameter: 13.0cm
B870964 Bowl 1 Probable With rim

Object Information

Shape: Nearly Circular
Material: Basalt

Object Dimensions

Height/Length: 8.0cm
B870960 Mortar 1 Corner of rim

Object Information

Shape: Nearly Rectangular
Material: Basalt

Object Dimensions

Height/Length: 11.5cm