Summary for square 8K10

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locus dates type designation period
001 02 - 08 Earth Sift debris from earlier seasons Modern
002 02 - 04 Earth Oroginal topsoil
003 02 - 02 Architecture Perimeter wall Middle Bronze 2
004 02 - 02 Earth Sub-topsoil mixed with destruction debris E of Wall 3 Late Iron 2/Persian
005 02 - 02 Earth Sub-topsoil W of Wall 3 Late Iron 2/Persian
006 02 - 08 Earth Rampart outside the perimeter wall Early Iron 1
007 02 - 04 Earth Rubble on top of N end of Wall 3; poss originally from Wall 3 Late Iron 2/Persian
008 02 - 04 Earth Destruction layer below L 4 Late Iron 2/Persian
009 02 - 04 Architecture E-W wall abutting Wall 3 Late Bronze
010 02 - 02 Architecture N-S wall above Wall 9 in SE Late Iron 2/Persian
011 02 - 04 Earth Pebbly layer beside N end Wall 3 Late Iron 2/Persian
012 02 - 04 Earth Debris below L 8 Late Bronze
013 04 - 04 Earth Possible beaten-earth surface Late Iron 2/Persian
014 04 - 04 Architecture E-W wall in S; upper part of Wall 9 Late Iron 2/Persian
015 04 - 04 Earth Debris layer Late Bronze
016 04 - 04 Earth LB floor in room W of niche Late Bronze
017 04 - 04 Installation Hearth fragment in favissa Late Bronze
018 04 - 04 Earth Ash in Hearth 17 Late Bronze
019 04 - 04 Earth Plaster surface for LIR2 building Late Iron 2/Persian
020 04 - 04 Earth Bricky debris Late Iron 2/Persian
021 04 - 04 Architecture N-S mudbrick wall Late Bronze
022 04 - 04 Architecture E-W mudbrick wall in N balk Late Bronze
023 04 - 04 Architecture N-S stone wall above Wall 21 Late Bronze
024 04 - 04 Earth Dest debris in Niche 25 Late Bronze
025 04 - 04 Installation Cultic niche in Wall 21 Late Bronze
026 08 - 08 Earth Same as Wall 21, but cleaning it Late Iron 2/Persian