Locus: H7K11:067 Supervisor: R. Saley
Locus type: Earth
Designation: Cobble surface
Start date: 13 Jul, 2006
End date: 25 Jul, 2008
Reason: Horizontal stones
Top separation: Very Clear / Bottom separation: Clear

Function: Cobble floor perhaps disturbed by whatever caused ash L 66
Stratigraphy remarks: Before L 64 and Wall 36
Locus Date: Iron 1


Verbal: Yellowish brown
Number: 10YR 5/4

Loam-Silt loam
Particle Shape:
A: 25
As: 25
Sr: 25
R: 25

Hardness: Loose
Compactness: somewhat. Friable
Wetness: somewhat. Dry
Structure: Random

Length: 2.35
Width: 0.95
Lower Depth: 0.2
Upper Depth: 0.39
Direction: 0
Slope: 0

Surface Material:
Greates number observable: 0

Pebbles: 600.0
Cobbles: 2.0
Boulders: 0.5
Stone Distribution: Random

Remarks: Described as a wall in U06, but excavation of L 66 showed it was a cobble surf; many were decomposed limestone as if burned; the adjacent L 66 contained much ash; removed in U08 (Jul 25)


location top level bottom level
1 913.40 (Legacy Level: 911.95) 913.01 (Legacy Level: 911.56)
2 913.40 (Legacy Level: 911.95) no level
2 913.24 (Legacy Level: 911.79) no level
2 913.24 (Legacy Level: 911.79) 913.04 (Legacy Level: 911.59)
location grid
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36


type description related locus
Under Wall H7K11:036
Under FT H7K11:062
Under Earth layer H7K11:064
Over Earth layer H7K11:066
Over Earth layer H7K11:074
Seals against Wall H7K11:004

Photos - Slideshow

06h11205 06H11205
14 Jul, 2006
06h11223 06H11223
17 Jul, 2006
08h11315 08H11315
16 Jul, 2008

Pottery Readings

date pail baskets publish diagnostics total count location comments
25 Jul, 2008 172 10 0 3 9
diagnostic date form
Byzantine bods
Iron 1 1 Jug


There are no objects for this locus